Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Words; they can be bent, changed, chanted, communicated, copied, discovered, drawn, dreamt, echoed, exchanged, incorrectly used, interpreted, invented, jotted down, laughed at, leaked, magnified, mimicked, misinterpreted, misspelled, organised, painted, passed around, plagiarised, preached, printed, programmed, rapped, read, repeated, reversed, rotated, said, scanned, screamed, screeched, scribbled, searched, shouted, spelt, spoken, spray painted, strung together, sung, swapped, thought up, thrown around, transferred, translated, twisted, used, whispered and written. They’re what I’m using right now to write this blog entry. They are our most common form of communication and are taken for granted by most of the world’s population. What would we do without these so-called words?